Ecranisation Analysis of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Half of a Yellow Sun




Ecranisation, film transition, reduction, variation, adaptation


This study traced the ecranisation process in terms of the intrinsic elements in the novel Half of a Yellow Sun, that lies in the need for a more comprehensive analysis of the ecranisation process. Also, the lack of in-depth examination regarding how these differences affect the overall interpretation and reception of the narrative. A qualitative-descriptive method specifically content analysis was used in gathering the data. Ecranisation Theory was used as the grounds in determining the ecranisation process of the materials. On the other hand, Braun & Clarke’s thematic analysis was also utilized to derive themes out of the narratives. The researchers found out that there were five (5) major themes on the comparison between the materials; three (3) for the similarities which are: resilience in the face of adversity, political awakening and activism, gender roles and empowerment, two (2) for differences which are: adaptation of dialogue and interaction, visual simplification and streamlining.



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How to Cite

Sagmon, B., & Gomez, E. G. (2024). Ecranisation Analysis of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Half of a Yellow Sun. CINEJ Cinema Journal, 12(1), 55–98.


