Reading Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining Against the Backdrop of His Cinematic Expression




Kubrıck, Shining, Narrative, Analysis, Auteur


This paper delves into the visionary filmmaking of Stanley Kubrick, aiming to evoke emotions in viewers similar to the impact of music through his films. Kubrick's perspective on cinema as a progression of moods and feelings, mirroring the qualities of music, becomes evident in The Shining. Based on the ‘shot-by-shot analysis’ as a method of film analysis, the paper explores the intricate visual and musical elements of the film, emphasising mise-en-scene aspects in three key scenes. The opening sequence establishes an ominous tone with sharp transitions, contrasting scenic beauty with eerie music. The exploration of Danny's tricycle scenes showcases the innovative use of Steadicam, heightening suspense. The hedge maze scenes, juxtaposed with the hotel's interior, culminate in a climactic chase marked by dynamic cinematography and a haunting score.


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How to Cite

Onay, Özge. (2024). Reading Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining Against the Backdrop of His Cinematic Expression. CINEJ Cinema Journal, 12(1), 385–405.


