Masochist and Sadist Individuals at the Socio-Cultural Crisis in The Banshees of Inisherin


  • Sajed Hosseini MA in English Language and Literature
  • Payam Babaie PhD Candidate of Ebglish Language and Literature, Tehran-North Branch, Islamic Azad University



death drive, masochism, sadism, self-defense, self-destruction


This study aims to analyze the death drive in McDonagh’s The Banshees of Inisherin while investigating the functions of self-defense, self-destruction, and self-abasement in the film. The proposed questions include: What is the function of death drive in the subjectivity of an individual destructing himself? What are the possible socio-cultural implications of death drive as suggested in the movie? To answer these questions, the study makes frequent use of key terms associated with self-defense mechanism, death drive in particular, as well as masochistic and sadistic elements to prove different features of self-destruction in various forms. The present research shows that death drive projects itself as masochistic self-defense reaction, which is more often than not characterized with resentment and antagonism.


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How to Cite

Hosseini, S., & Babaie , P. (2024). Masochist and Sadist Individuals at the Socio-Cultural Crisis in The Banshees of Inisherin. CINEJ Cinema Journal, 12(1), 360–384.


