Experimenting with Epos: 3 Characters from 3 Directors in Turkish Cinema





Experimental hero, Turkish cinema, Epos, Objectivity, Drama, Catharsis, Identification


While the narrative tradition, which has been developing for thousands of years, can be examined by dividing it into three parts as Drama, Lyricos and Epos, since the discovery of cinematography 127 years ago, narrative in cinema has developed narratives parallel to the two most basic theories of cinema, Realistic Film Theory and Formalist Film Theory, as well as contributing to experimental, feminist, etc. narratives in addition to these theories. The main purpose of this article is to examine three different pioneering films and heroes of Turkish Cinema (Umut-Yılmaz Güney-hero: Cabbar, Anayurt Oteli-Ömer Kavur-hero: Zebercet, Uzak-Nuri Bilge Ceylan-hero: Mahmut), which were shot in a realistic theme, and to reveal how they developed their heroes and what kind of experience they offered to the audience with the heroes they presented, starting from the literary narrative genre Epos. Based on the concept of objectivity, the presentations of the heroes were examined by using the cinema's own language and forms with the cooperation of the screenwriter-director.

Author Biography

Selma Köksal, Düzce Unıvercity, Artitecture, Art And Design Faculty, Radio, Cinema Television Depertment

Profesor, Düzce Unıvercity, Artitecture, Art And Design Faculty, Radio, Cinema Television Depertment


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How to Cite

Köksal, S. (2023). Experimenting with Epos: 3 Characters from 3 Directors in Turkish Cinema. CINEJ Cinema Journal, 11(2), 177–199. https://doi.org/10.5195/cinej.2023.548


