“Youtuber Movies” From New Media to the Cinema





YouTuber movies, mainstream cinema, genres, new media, culture industry


In our day, the new media has become an inseparable part of the daily life. Since the internet and the social media have been widespread, the new media has been effective in socio-cultural changes and transformations. On the other hand, this process, which is also called as digitalization, is not only effective in the new media. The relation between the traditional media and the new media has also been under transformation. In this study, based on the relation between the mainstream cinema and the new media, “YouTuber movies” are investigated. In this context, the selected “YouTuber movies” were examined via genre criticism method, and the data was interpreted in the conclusions part.

Author Biography

Barış Tolga Ekinci

Associate Professor Barış Tolga EKİNCİ, Beykent University Faculty of Communication, Department of TV journalism and programming


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How to Cite

Ekinci, B. T. (2020). “Youtuber Movies” From New Media to the Cinema. CINEJ Cinema Journal, 8(2), 94–118. https://doi.org/10.5195/cinej.2019.230


