From Box Office to Memory: Telling Stories is not an Innocent Act


  • Ayla Kanbur Duzce University, Faculty of Arts, design and architecture, Department of Radio, Cinema and television



Cinema, Collective Memory, Film industry, Bread and Roses


Throughout human history narratives have had crucial function to construct a society with meanings culturally binding its members and to sustain them for generations in society. Epic stories, proverbs, historical tales are such narratives which, in particular, form patterns for the “shared conceptual framework” of members of a culture. Thus narratives, in a broadest sense, circulate within a society through individual memories of its members and serve to communicate and create meanings by operating like language.

Films Bread and Roses by Ken Loach (2000) and Maid in Manhattan (2002) by Wayne Wange intersect with their narrative tools indicating how individual and cultural memory overlap and contested globally within international film industry.



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How to Cite

Kanbur, A. (2018). From Box Office to Memory: Telling Stories is not an Innocent Act. CINEJ Cinema Journal, 7(1), 72–90.


