Othering New Women: A Multimodal Approach to The Hymn of Death


  • Morgan Mok-Won Park University of Salamanca




Othering, new women, multimodal discourse, colonial Korea, Korean Netflix series, The Hymn of Death


This paper takes a multimodal approach to analyze both linguistic and non-linguistic resources represented in a Korean program, The Hymn of Death (2018), with an aim to discover how a multimodal discourse reshapes the way we perceive our society, especially women. The backdrop of this series is set in the 1920s in Korea. This period represents a transition toward modernity in which women were given the opportunity to study and work. This small group of young women were called 'new women.' With male-centered thumbnails and descriptions which are interlaced together in each episode, The Hymn of Death exhibits the patriarchal culture at the time when a new woman remains absent or invisible as an other.

Author Biography

Morgan Mok-Won Park, University of Salamanca

Lecturer at the Department of Modern Philology, East Asian Studies of the University of Salamanca


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How to Cite

Park, M. M.-W. (2022). Othering New Women: A Multimodal Approach to The Hymn of Death. CINEJ Cinema Journal, 11(1), 289–315. https://doi.org/10.5195/cinej.2023.481


