Mary Shelley Biopic (2017): A filmic discourse analysis




Mary Shelley biopic, Filmic analysis, Critical Discourse Analysis, Male domination, Female resistance


This work analyzes the discourses that compound Mary Shelley biopic (2017), concerning male domination and female resistance. To do so, the specific objectives are: to verify how this domination permeates the main character with a view to publish her work Frankenstein; identify the elements that cross the relation author-character in the biopic; describe these elements into categories within a filmic discourse analysis. The theoretical-methodology contribution is Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), within the dialectical-relational developed by Fairclough (1989; 2001) in conjunction with the filmic analysis. The corpus of the analysis is constituted by 02 long takes. It is used the Bakhtinian categories (2003), which are dialogism, polyphony and alterity, followed by the categories of Fairclough (2001), which are intertextuality and presupposition.

Author Biographies

Thanya Araujo, Universidade Federal do Piauí -UFPI

Master's degree in Communication - Federal University of Piaui

Lívia Fernanda Silva, Federal University of Piaui - UFPI

Managing Director of Center for Open and Distance 

Education – CEAD and Associate Professor of 

Postgraduate Program in Communication / UFPI 


Araujo, T., & Silva, L. F. Mary Shelley Biopic (2017): A filmic discourse analysis. CINEJ Cinema Journal, 12(2), 66–92.

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How to Cite

Araujo, T., & Silva, L. F. (2024). Mary Shelley Biopic (2017): A filmic discourse analysis . CINEJ Cinema Journal, 12(2), 66–92.


