Rocky Balboa: The Innocent and the Invincible Hero of Low Income Class


  • Yildirim Uysal Bursa Uludag University



Rocky Balboa, American Cinema, American Low Income Class, , Sociology, Film Studies


This study is aiming to scrutinize that how American low income class is represented in Rocky Balboa film series in regards of Rocky Balboa character. It will try to understand the mission which is given to Rocky along the film series by examining the concepts such as the values which Rocky represents, class standing, moving up in social ladder, etc. in the scripts of Rocky movies. The life line of Balboa which we have begun to witness while he was living in a poor neighborhood leads us to the different faces of his life along the six films of series: firstly, the world championship that he got by defeating Apollo Creed, then keeping his belt for a long time and defeating Ivan Drago, then losing all his wealth and has to return to the neighborhood where he was living previously and the last fight that he did during his retirement. The hypothesis of the study is that the films of Balboa series are reflecting the life of American low income class ‘realistic’ with Rocky Balboa’s character, and the hypothesis is going to want to verify it along the study.

Author Biography

Yildirim Uysal, Bursa Uludag University

Faculty of Arts & Sciences, Department of Sociology


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How to Cite

Uysal, Y. (2021). Rocky Balboa: The Innocent and the Invincible Hero of Low Income Class. CINEJ Cinema Journal, 9(2), 39–98.


