Reading the Simultaneous Motion and Reality Bending Concepts through Doctor Strange




Architecture, Film, Simultaneous Motion, Reality Bending, Doctor Strange


In order to exemplify the interaction between architecture and science fiction films, Doctor Strange (2016), one of today's cinema examples, was chosen because of that the special effects created in computer environment by transferring the dreams to the film have a surrealist effect on the film; of the fantastic spaces that arise with the deformation of real places become the main character of the film; of foreseeing a different future in terms of architecture. Within the scope of the study, the film was read through the changes of time and space of the concepts of “reality bending” and “simultaneous motion”. As a result of the readings on these concepts, the relationship of cinema with architecture has gained a different dimension, and it has been seen that this film can create a fantastic perspective and inspiration to the designers about the future deconstructivist buildings.  


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How to Cite

Uner, G., & Erdogan, E. (2021). Reading the Simultaneous Motion and Reality Bending Concepts through Doctor Strange. CINEJ Cinema Journal, 9(2), 1–38.


