Transformation of Comedy with Streaming Services: The Case of Bartu Ben




Comedy, streaming services, Turkish cinema, Turkish television series, Bartu Ben, Netflix


Comedy has always been one ofthe most popular genres in Turkish cinema and television series. As the distinction between film and series has begun to blur in the post-television era, narratives are transforming according to the characteristics of the new medium. Streaming services targeting niche audience offer more freedom to creators of their content.Thisarticle aims tostudy the comedy series Bartu Ben (Its me, Bartu)which is one of the original series of Turkish streaming service Blu TV, in orderto interpret the differences ofthe series from traditional television comedies, and contributionof streaming servicesto the transformation of the genre.


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How to Cite

Yıldırım, N. (2020). Transformation of Comedy with Streaming Services: The Case of Bartu Ben. CINEJ Cinema Journal, 8(2), 403–425.


